Senscot attended an event this week in Glasgow. The event, titled ‘Re-thinking Social Investment in Scotland’, was hosted by Matt Fountain (Freedom Bakery) and Flip Finance. 20 or so {...}
DIY Social Investment / Manchester
On 6 July 2016, we worked with three enterprises at MadLab in Manchester to help them to understand how they can ‘DIY’ their own social investment deals. Jonathan Atkinson {...}
DIY Social Investment / London
On 01 June 2016, we worked with a number of social enterprises in London to help them to understand how they can ‘DIY’ their own social investment deals. The {...}
DIY Social Investment / Sheffield
On 23 March, we worked with a couple of social enterprises in Sheffield to help them to understand how they can ‘DIY’ their own social investment deals. Flip Finance team {...}
DIY Social Investment / London
On 03 February 2016, we worked with three social enterprises in London to help them to understand how they can ‘DIY’ their own social investment deals. Birdsong and Mindapples {...}
DIY Social Investment / London
On 02 December 2015, we held a Sprint focussed on ‘DIY Social Investment’ and worked with three social enterprises to help them to understand how they can ‘DIY’ their own social {...}
CIVA Invests – creating a new social investment fund
On 04 November 2015 Flip Finance ran a Sprint where 15 people came together to assist the Centre for Innovation in Voluntary Action (CIVA) develop its approach to social investment. Below is {...}
Unconventional tales of raising social finance
In October 2015 we popped up at Transition Bristol‘s New Economy Summit, where we organised a ‘show and tell’ evening for local social entrepreneurs who had raised finance in less than {...}
Flip’s first Sprint – the beginnings of ‘DIY Social Investment’
Sprints are regular meet ups where we apply a range of methodologies to a question or defined challenge, usually related to social investment, and where a collaborative and ‘investee-focussed’ {...}