Rethinking Social Investment in Scotland

Senscot attended an event this week in Glasgow. The event, titled ‘Re-thinking Social Investment in Scotland’, was hosted by Matt Fountain (Freedom Bakery) and Flip Finance. 20 or so {...}

CIVA Invests

CIVA Invests – creating a new social investment fund

On 04 November 2015 Flip Finance ran a Sprint where 15 people came together to assist the Centre for Innovation in Voluntary Action (CIVA) develop its approach to social investment. Below is {...}

Stir to Action, Roll for the Soul, The Severn Project

Unconventional tales of raising social finance

In October 2015 we popped up at Transition Bristol‘s New Economy Summit, where we organised a ‘show and tell’ evening for local social entrepreneurs who had raised finance in less than {...}

Ask more questions

Flip’s first Sprint – the beginnings of ‘DIY Social Investment’

Sprints are regular meet ups where we apply a range of methodologies to a question or defined challenge, usually related to social investment, and where a collaborative and ‘investee-focussed’ {...}